

3D Game, lvl2 V1 Overall this level is a really good start to a difficult level. All of the gameplay components that I want in this level are done. All enemies move, UI elements are in place, and I even created a way to have killed enemies unlock part of the door. All I missing now is a little longer. Now for a quick walkthrough of the level. As I said before, the level so far is short but sweet. At the start, I decided to add a doom's horseshoe to show not only the objective in terms of the door but also all possible pathways that need to be taken in order to unlock the door. After that, the walkways to two areas are shown, teaching having a UI component before the player enters the room explaining what the area's objective is. The first area is a parkour area that houses bobbing platforms. Players must time the intervals correctly in order to make it to the switch across from the parkour, then successfully make it back in order to proceed. The second area is an enemy-killing ...

3D level 1 V2

Version 2 This version of the level feels much cleaner than the first. A few smaller elements were added to each part of the level, making it more intense and overall more fun. The Maze was already pretty good, but in the original one, the enemies were running through the walls. So I changed the walls from terrain to environment and backed the map. The enemies now follow the path of the maze.   The switch part of the level also features added. I now added a couple more doors to the level that have enemies behind them. if players just run around and press all of the switches, enemies get released on the player. For the parkour section of the level, I added some acid and extend the parkour. It was originally too easy and didn't feel like players had many repercussions when failing. The overall movement is still easy, so it is well-versed for beginners, but now doesn't feel as pointless as the previous version. Overall this version feels much better than the last. Each section is ...

3D level 1 v1

3D level 1 v1 This level overall went relatively well. Layout wise, the level feels really good. There are three distinct sections of the level with different gameplay elements, each containing a switch to a giant door in the hub area. The giant door has three crystals on top of it, indicating which sections the players have completed. The first area is a switch puzzle. Players must find the correct 2 switches to open a door, leading to the final switch to the door in the hub area. In this section, I think I'll make it more difficult by adding some punishment for choosing the wrong switch. Possibly adding a trap door on top of the puzzle, that opens with a bunch of enemies if players pick too many wrong switches. Other than the easy difficulty, the puzzle is overall satisfying to complete. The second section is a parkour area. This section has a number of static platforms, with two moving platforms, that players need to traverse in order to hit the second switch to the final door. ...

Mega Man Lvl 2

  Mega Man Lvl 2 I believe that my level went really well. It was split into three parts. A normal parkour section. A fighting section after receiving the Super armor, and then an arrow parkour section after getting the arrow suit upgrade.  The pathing in my levels was linear. Players had to complete one section and receive a key and the new weapon before moving to the next area. With the new weapon, the new area was made easier, teaching players to learn the mechanics of their newfound powers. And because areas were locked with colored keys, it was very obvious where the players needed to go. The only issue with the level was its difficulty. Especially when it came to the arrow parkour, the difficulty of the level ramped up. I had not originally intended for the levels to be this difficult. When playing through there is a tick to nearly every part of the stages. But, they were much harder for players to figure out and execute than I had originally thought. I would say that th...

Mega Man Level 1 V2

10/19/22  Mega Man Level 1 V2 My mega man level now consists of a total of 11 different zones making 12 separate rooms. The first half of the level is the same. Still consisting of 2 paths down to a bottleneck, but now instead of just heading down to the finish, there are a couple more challenges to go through. The first room is another floating parkour room. But this time, there is some ladder parkour. I saw this idea in some other levels that I playtest, and it reminded me of my original concept idea as well, so I decided to add it. At the top of the parkour, there is a blue key, which can be used to unlock a door at the left hand side of the room. This door brings you to a mini boss fight. Since we are unable to use actual bosses, I put in the tough squid enemy. Then I placed a green key and some health behind it as a reward. Ater beating the mini boss and obtaining the key, players must head back to the previous room and jump down. There they will find a green door to use the...

Mega Man Level V1

Mega Man Level V1 My Mega Man Level consisted of 7 different zones, with 9 individual rooms.  Overall, the playtesters enjoyed my level. They thought that the pacing was good, and the enemies were present enough to be a threat, but not overbearing. Levels taught players specific game functions. For instance that falling blocks can kill you or that you are able to change the direction of a slide to dodge while there are blocks above your head. The level was very linear with one major branch, but one playtesters said that even though this is true, it still felt as if the player was making a choice of where to go. The biggest issue with my level is probably playtime. A run only really lasted about 2-5 minutes on average. This was mostly due to the level's linear nature, and not having enough rooms to play through. Now for a couple of examples of the rooms and what players should do. In this part of the level, players are introduced to dust blocks. Once they break the top brown, playe...

Simple DND Map V3

  Simple DND Map v3 - Aidan Lazovsky The image above shows the entirety of my simple DND map v3. The theme for this week was alien apocalypse jailbreak, and it came with an updated ruleset. To adapt to the ruleset my map contains quite a few new concepts. Items are far more prevalent in this version of the game. For my item distribution, I put all the items in the cells in the north and south rooms. This fits with the prison theme, if there were a jailbreak, most of the contraband would be located in the rooms of  the prisoners. When a player collects an item, they roll a D20 to choose a random item. If that item has been chosen before, they are allowed to pick another item of their choice. Checkpoints were also added in this version of the game. My checkpoints are the black paths in between the different rooms of my level. This allows players to make steady progress and complete the entire level in chunks. My level this time was far less linear then my previous levels,  ...