Mega Man Level 1 V2
Mega Man Level 1 V2
My mega man level now consists of a total of 11 different zones making 12 separate rooms.
The first half of the level is the same. Still consisting of 2 paths down to a bottleneck,
but now instead of just heading down to the finish, there are a couple more challenges to go
The first room is another floating parkour room. But this time, there is some ladder parkour. I saw this idea in some other levels that I playtest, and it reminded me of my original concept idea as well, so I decided to add it. At the top of the parkour, there is a blue key, which can be used to unlock a door at the left hand side of the room.
This door brings you to a mini boss fight. Since we are unable to use actual bosses, I put in the tough squid enemy. Then I placed a green key and some health behind it as a reward.
players must head back to the previous room and
jump down. There they will find a green door to
use the newly acquired key.
The space down here is also used as a
punishment for players who fail the
parkour and fall all the way down.
Overall things went very well in this version.
It makes up for some if not all of the shortcomings in the previous design.
And it also adds some new elements in a controlled environment.
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