3D level 1 v1

3D level 1 v1

This level overall went relatively well. Layout wise, the level feels really good. There are three distinct sections of the level with different gameplay elements, each containing a switch to a giant door in the hub area. The giant door has three crystals on top of it, indicating which sections the players have completed.

The first area is a switch puzzle. Players must find the correct 2 switches to open a door, leading to the final switch to the door in the hub area. In this section, I think I'll make it more difficult by adding some punishment for choosing the wrong switch. Possibly adding a trap door on top of the puzzle, that opens with a bunch of enemies if players pick too many wrong switches. Other than the easy difficulty, the puzzle is overall satisfying to complete.

The second section is a parkour area. This section has a number of static platforms, with two moving platforms, that players need to traverse in order to hit the second switch to the final door. The parkour is overall easy and not very punishing, which is appropriate for an easy level, but could definitely be more difficult. I will probably add more length to the parkour, as well as adding either acid, or enemies when one falls in order to increase difficulty.

The last section of my level is an enemy maze area. Players must navigate a maze that is filled with enemies in order to find the final switch. This area is definitely the most difficult, and would be great if the enemies did not run through the wall. An easy fix, I just need to change all of the walls from terrain to environment, but a slight oversight on my end. Once the enemies have proper pathing and I add a little more length to the maze, I think this section will be great.

Overall this level went pretty well. I was mostly getting used to the switches, counters, and nav-mesh, so there isn't much length, but I think it's a great start for a well thought out level.


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