Mega Man Lvl 2
Mega Man Lvl 2 I believe that my level went really well. It was split into three parts. A normal parkour section. A fighting section after receiving the Super armor, and then an arrow parkour section after getting the arrow suit upgrade. The pathing in my levels was linear. Players had to complete one section and receive a key and the new weapon before moving to the next area. With the new weapon, the new area was made easier, teaching players to learn the mechanics of their newfound powers. And because areas were locked with colored keys, it was very obvious where the players needed to go. The only issue with the level was its difficulty. Especially when it came to the arrow parkour, the difficulty of the level ramped up. I had not originally intended for the levels to be this difficult. When playing through there is a tick to nearly every part of the stages. But, they were much harder for players to figure out and execute than I had originally thought. I would say that th...