Simple DND Map V2

Simple DND Map 2


In V2 of my map, I added quite a few more enemies, areas to explore, health potions, fog walls, and reincorporated my alarm system and the forced jumps.

Players start on the left hand corner of the map in a small room

Then they make their way down the hallway to the first encounter, where they find 2 melee enemies and a ranged enemy. In our simulated game, the ranged enemy was still covered by fog when they attacked the first melee enemy, so it shot back from within the fog.

I will also introduce a new mechanic at this time. Since there are a lot of enemies and not every party is guaranteed to have a mage to heal, I put in some health potion. To use health potions players must find them, then land on an adjacent square. Health potions heal 2 heath, and do not overheal.

Next, the players do another forced jump into the next area. This creates a good environment for players to learn the mechanic, and also sends them into the next combat area. 

The next combat are has 2 enemies and an alarm system. If players opt to shoot the first enemy in the open without jumping the put, the fog will bock their view of the second enemy and it will be able to trigger the alarm.

When the alarm is triggered, all nearby enemies come into the room, making the fight far more difficult. There are also 2 more health potions players can find. One out in the open to introduce players to them if they missed the frist hidden one. And then one more hidden one that is a reward for exploration.

After the second battle area, there is a fog wall. Similar to dark souls it will block the players path from backtracking once they enter.

Lastly, the fog wall brings players to the final boss fight. The boss now has 2 weaker enemies with him to increase difficulty, and a large pit in between them so players can pick off the mobs first. Now that players can’t backtrack, I wanted them not to feel too trapped in the room, so I made a high jump roll possible to escape the boss if they get cornered.

During playtesting, we only made it to the second battle area, but players expressed enjoyment in the abundant weak enemies and the health potions.

Overall this level feels pretty solid. Its linear design keeps players from getting lost, while it still has some options to let players explore. There are also semi-forced fight areas so players can have a high stress moment, and then small break to recuperate and heal before the next.


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