Simple DND Map 1

Simple DND Map 1

The players of my DND map were Jax, who chose archer,  and Richard, who chose knight. As illustrated in the picture below, my map is blocky and linear, with 4 enemy mobs, one boss, and two different types of hazards, pits and an alarm system, that needed to be cleared or avoided.

Overall things went very well when playing through the map. Players were forced to fight all mobs and bosses while traversing through the level. I forced them to roll for jump which was one of my level goals, and also introduced an alarm mechanic that rewards players for snipping out the far enemy first, which they understood and executed perfectly. My enemy scaling felt good for a starter level, all mobs were easy to kill but could do damage if they caught you off guard, and the boss was very balanced, leaving the players pretty low before it got defeated.

Quick Walkthrough of level

Beginning of level where players choose their characters.

First encounter, enemy in the open to draw attention while other is behind a wall to ambush.

Forced jump mechanic. Has the player jump over a gap to get to the next area, important for boss arena.

Second enemy encounter. Introduces the alarm button. The bottom enemy will head straight for alarm while the top enemy attacks the players.

Boss Fight. A tougher enemy that has the jump ability. Make sure to do this to give players a few turns after alarm sounds to kill the mobs, and to make sure if players backtrack to first area the boss can follow.

Overall the flow and style of my map was received positively. The map was linear making it easy to traverse, and it introduced some mechanics that will be used later.


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