Simple DND Map V3

Simple DND Map v3 - Aidan Lazovsky The image above shows the entirety of my simple DND map v3. The theme for this week was alien apocalypse jailbreak, and it came with an updated ruleset. To adapt to the ruleset my map contains quite a few new concepts. Items are far more prevalent in this version of the game. For my item distribution, I put all the items in the cells in the north and south rooms. This fits with the prison theme, if there were a jailbreak, most of the contraband would be located in the rooms of the prisoners. When a player collects an item, they roll a D20 to choose a random item. If that item has been chosen before, they are allowed to pick another item of their choice. Checkpoints were also added in this version of the game. My checkpoints are the black paths in between the different rooms of my level. This allows players to make steady progress and complete the entire level in chunks. My level this time was far less linear then my previous levels, ...